(A blog with no name)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Mac growing pains: Week 1

I've spent a week with a MacBook Pro (more or less), and so far it's love/hate, and honestly, mostly hate, but before I get flamed, a certain amount is due to my still thinking in "Windows mode", and a person will always become frustrated if they're used to doing things one way and then have to change. Also, it's been only one week, and in my experience it takes anywhere from a couple weeks to 2-3 months of day-to-day use before you can say you really know something.

I've got a stickie on my Mac desktop of things I miss from Windows, with a space below each for instructions on how to do the same thing on Mac, if it can be done. I'm really really really missing the Home and End keys, and the Page Up/Down keys sort of.

On the other hand, I LOVE the trackpad on the MacBook Pro, so there's some love, but honestly, after one week, whenever I discover a feature about the Mac that I like, rather than making me want a Mac, it makes me want to figure out how to add that feature to my Windows system.

So time will tell. Trying to keep an open mind, as best I can...

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